1,556 Signed Postcards Delivered to the Prime Minister – Media Release

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1,556 Signed Postcards Delivered to the Prime Minister – Media Release
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1,556 Signed Postcards Delivered to the Prime Minister - Media Release

May 16, 2024

1,556 Signed Postcards Delivered to the Prime Minister

The first tranche of signed postcards from concerned teachers, parents and students was delivered to the Prime Minister today. The postcards call on the Prime Minister to honour his commitment to faith leaders on 12 April 2024 that religious freedom protections “Will not go backwards while I’m Prime Minister of Australia.”

The postcards were signed at sold out town hall events in Brisbane, Sydney and Perth, organised in response to the recent controversial recommendations released by the Australian Law Reform Commission. If accepted by the Government, they would prevent Christian schools from employing only Christian teachers and staff who share and can teach the same values and beliefs of the school.

Addressing the gathered crowd of supporters and Coalition MPs and Senators, CSA Director of Public Policy Mark Spencer said “These postcards represent the aspirations of hundreds of thousands of parents and staff to receive and provide a faith-based education. They represent their hopes for an authentic education that reflects their values and beliefs, in line with international law.”

Deputy Principal Eleisha Smyth said “I want students to see that this world is not here for us to be consumers of, but instead to be people who show God’s love and serve others in everything they do for the Glory of God. Having Christian staff in our Christian schools is the only way in which this can be achieved.”

AACS Executive Officer Vanessa Cheng said that “The huge attendance at these town hall events demonstrates there is a heightened level of concern in our communities about the future of Christian schools. The purpose of these postcards is to show Mr Albanese there are thousands of Australian parents who want the ability to choose a genuine Christian education for their children.”

Three town hall events are planned for Launceston (21 May), Melbourne (22 May) and Adelaide (12 June). Only one Labor MP has attended the three sold-out town hall events to date. ACS Executive Director Alistair Macpherson said that “Before they change the law, we hope that members of the Government will join us at the upcoming events to hear our stories about the value of faith for students, their families and our nation.”


My Christian School and the Faith In Our Future events are initiatives of Associated Christian Schools, the Australian Association of Christian Schools and Christian Schools Australia.

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